2012年11月29日 星期四

install pygame on mac os x 10.8 (mountain lion)

I highly recommend you to use another way to install pygame:

________________ the original way is not recommended ____________
I have struggled to install pygame1.9.1 on my machine for a long time. there are so many dependencies issues.
fortunately, i solved all the issues finally.
I followed the instruction from pygame wiki, but the original step 7 was not working for me.
I have corrected step 7 as below:

1. Installed python but using visual python version. This is based on python 2.7.x
In my system this installs files under Applications and /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework

From this site:

First, download and install the pure 32-bit Python, Python-2.7.3
(VPython does not work with Mac 64-bit/32-bit Python, but this 32-bit version of Python works fine on 64-bit Macs)

Second, download and install VPython-Mac-Py2.7-5.74

This includes version 1.5.1 of numpy.

The download of Python-2.7.3 is from the vpython site and designed to work with vpython.
You can use the python installer from http://www.python.org. However, you will have to install numpy.
You can get numpy from http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/

2. Installed the SDL libraries from dmg

SDL  1.2.15
SDL_mixer 1.2.12
SDL_ttf  2.0.11
SDL_image 1.2.12

3. Installed the libjpeg and libpng libraries from dmg

libpng v1.5.4
libjpeg 8c

4. Installed Xcode 4.4 from Apple apps. Need to add command line tools.
To do this start Xcode and go to Preferences under Xcode menu. Choose the Download tab and select Components.
Then install the Command Line Tools.

5. Installed XQuartz. Mountain Lion OS X no longer includes the X11 window system library.
This is different from Lion OS X.


6. Downloaded pygame tar file from 


Decompressed and extracted to create directory pygame1.9.1release

6. Before compilation of pygame:

  a. SDL_x header files refer to SDL as  However, a SDL directory is not under
the include directory of SDL (SDL/Headers). To fix this in a simple way:

    i. Went to directory
     then made a link as follows:
          ln -s SDL ./

7. Changed to the pygame directory (normally pygame1.9.1release). Then switched to the super user.
However, you can use the sudo command instead.

I set the following compilation flags

export CC='/usr/bin/gcc'
export CFLAGS='-isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk -I/opt/X11/include -arch i386'
export LDFLAGS='-arch i386'
export ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386'
ln -s /opt/X11/include/X11/ /usr/local/include/X11
edit src/scale_mmx64.c, and replace movsxl with movslq like this
8. Now execute:
   python config.py
This should find the SDL, jpeg, png, and numpy libraries

   python setup.py build
This will build in the directory before installing. It should complete with no errors.
   python setup.py install

9. Confirmed that it worked:

   Out of super user mode and in a terminal shell

   and within python
   import pygame

   this gave no error and a simple pygame program ran fine.

hope this article is helpful

2012年8月26日 星期日

git commit 流程 極簡易教學

 要commit(提交)自己的code,分成4個階段,這件事要首先keep in mind:
 修改需要更動的code -> 把更動過且確定要提交的code放到stage(沒有要提交的就不要放) -> commit(提交這次要更動的code) -> 把提交的code push到遠端

1. 為了避免不必要的conflict造成自己的麻煩,每次修改前都請先git pull,先把遠端最新版本的code抓回來
2. 修改code
3. git status 列出目前的狀態(最好在這個git repository的根目錄下這個指令,不然接著要add時會有一些路徑上的問題)
此處需要再知道一個觀念:git repository 下的檔案分成兩大類:tracked, untracked
4. 把你這次要commit的檔案add到stage
你可以依序下 git add XXX/yyy(需要包含路徑),一個檔案一個檔案放
git add .
或是直接在 commit 時加上 -a
git commit -a
不過需要特別注意的是,git commit -a 只會新增tracked file,亦即只會新增之前就存在、這次被修改的file;這次才新增的file不會被加入。要連這次才新增的file都加入,一定要用
git add .

add完後,再下git status

git commit -m "add aaa file"
-m 後面接的是這次commit的註解,可長可短,以你的夥伴看得懂為原則,一定要加!
git commit -am "add aaa file"

下完commit後,git 會在console上印出一些資訊,大致上是有哪幾份檔案被更動過、新增、刪除了幾行code
6. git push
不過,假如你的同伴在你修改檔案時有push新的code到remote repository,這時候就需要merge你們各自的新code,git會要求你先pull你同伴的新code。
git pull後,運氣好的話,git會自動merge你們的新code;運氣不好時(通常是有對同一份檔案進行刪改),就會出現conflict的情形,需要手動解決conflict以merge檔案。

git status只是列出目前的狀態,非commit時必要的指令,若很確定自己的狀態,可以略過。

2012年5月4日 星期五

用 jquery 實做 更多/減少 文字

本文主要參考jQuery More/Less Text一文。 首先,請在html中增加下列 elements
 <div class=\"more-less\">
   <div class=\"more-block\" ></div>
   <a href=\"#\" class=\"adjust\"></a>
接著是 js:
// The height of the content block when it's not expanded                       
var adjustheight = 52;                                                          
// The "more" link text                                                         
var moreText = "+  More";                                                       
// The "less" link text                                                         
var lessText = "- Less";                                                        
// Sets the .more-block div to the specified height and hides any content that overflows
$(".more-less .more-block").css('height', adjustheight).css('overflow', 'hidden');
// The section added to the bottom of the "more-less" div                       
// Set the "More" text                                                          
$(".adjust").toggle(function() {                                                
        $(this).parents("div:first").find(".more-block").css('height', 'auto').css('overflow', 'visible');
        // Hide the [...] when expanded                                         
        //$(this).parents("div:first").find("p.continued").css('display', 'none');
    }, function() {                                                             
        $(this).parents("div:first").find(".more-block").css('height', adjustheight).css('overflow', 'hidden');
        //$(this).parents("div:first").find("p.continued").css('display', 'block');
其中14,21,25是原文中用來增加 [...] 字串的。 我自己覺得不需要,所以註解掉了。

2012年2月14日 星期二

讀取下一頁或ajax局部更新時以jquery顯示 loading 訊息

使用blockUI這個jquery pulgin可以在讀取時顯示相關資訊,讓user知道正在讀取資料(其實類似的jquery plug in很多,但我只用過這個,也覺得blockUI使用簡單且功能夠強)
首先當然要在 html 的 head 中讀入 jquery 及這個plugin,此處不贅敘。(注意!要把jquery放在前面plugin放後面,否則會有bug導致無法執行。)
假設是要整頁換新,可以將負責換新的那個DOM設個id(此處為block),然後使用以下code,就可以在點擊該DOM後,以iphone的形式顯示「please wait」的資訊,直到下一頁出現。
                 $.blockUI({ css: { 
                            border: 'none', 
                            padding: '15px', 
                            backgroundColor: '#000', 
                            '-webkit-border-radius': '10px', 
                            '-moz-border-radius': '10px', 
                            opacity: .5, 
                            color: '#fff' 
                        } }); 
blockUI的官網有很多DEMO和sample code,可以挑自己喜歡的套用。